Maple Ave: HATING TAMI – A Look at Female Bullying
From: Maple Ave – Teen Drama Video Series
-For Grades 7-12
-Video with Printable Teacher’s Guide
-Free online video streaming included!
Angela and her friends take every opportunity to make Tami’s life miserable, even going so far as to pose as a boy interested in Tami on a social networking site.
- Description
- Explore the dynamics of relational aggression among teenage girls (its roots and oft-times tragic aftermath).
- Spotlight and better recognize the sometimes subtle signs of female bullying and cyberbullying in order to better guard against them.
- To examine what peers and educators can do to reach out to someone they feel may be the victim or the victimizer in a case of relational aggression.
Angela and her friends take every opportunity to make Tami’s life miserable, even going so far as to pose as a boy interested in Tami on a social networking site. During the film, we are also introduced to Tami and Angela’s respective parents, ultimately providing clues to their behavior and various life stressors.
While Tami’s hyper-competitive parents continually pressure their “A” student daughter to be the best at everything, Angela’s single Mom appears more interested in being her daughter’s best friend than her parents.
All the while, sympathetic teacher Ms. Hutchinson has been attempting to reach out to Tami but finds her reluctant to open up. In a dramatic turn of events, Angela’s cruel prank is uncovered – but is it too late?
Run Time: 26 minutes
Sample Video Clip from the Maple Ave Series:
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