  • ABCs of STIs

    -For Grades 7 & Up
    -DVD + Printable Teaching Guide
    -Released in 2019

    With over 20 million new cases of sexually transmitted infections every year, it’s more important than ever that your students get the facts! A specialist in teen sexual health presents up-to-date medical information on the

  • Beyond High School: Strategies for Nontraditional Students

    -For Grades 7-12
    -DVD + Printable Teaching Guide

    Two students with learning disabilities talk about a college program specifically designed for students like them. Other options explored include a recent high school graduate getting a certificate in culinary arts as she pursues her dream of a catering career, and an apprentice in a brick-laying program who never felt comfortable being a student and decides that an apprenticeship made more sense for him.

  • Big Changes, Big Choices: DEALING WITH PRESSURES

    From: BIG CHANGES, BIG CHOICES Video Series

    -For grades 5-9
    -Video with Printable Teacher’s Guide
    -Featuring Michael Pritchard
    -Free online video streaming included!

    Entering middle school and becoming a teenager brings a batch of new pressures. Increased school work, higher expectations, greater stakes for academic performance, dating, social acceptance, bigger responsibilities and parental demands, more choices, more freedoms, all contribute to a lot of stress. This program explores positive, healthful ways for young adolescents to cope with it all.

  • Big Changes, Big Choices: ENHANCING SELF-ESTEEM

    From: BIG CHANGES, BIG CHOICES Video Series

    -For grades 5-9
    -Video with Printable Teacher’s Guide
    -Featuring Michael Pritchard
    -Free online video streaming included!

    This program tells young people that every one of them is important and worthy, that what they do matters, and that they owe it to themselves to do and be their very best. We consider where high and low self-esteem come from, how our actions and choices either diminish or enhance our self-esteem, how to deal with external factors that affect our self-esteem, and how we affect the self-esteem of others.

  • Big Changes, Big Choices: FRIENDSHIP

    From: BIG CHANGES, BIG CHOICES Video Series

    -For grades 5-9
    -Video with Printable Teacher’s Guide
    -Featuring Michael Pritchard
    -Free online video streaming included!

    As children enter adolescence, issues of friendship become more complex and more central in their lives. This program explores such matters as: the characteristics of good friendship, the differences between “true” friends and “false” friends, how to prevent trouble and handle change in friendships, and initiating new friendships. Also, we look at cliques & clubs, and what it means to either include or exclude others.

  • Big Changes, Big Choices: GETTING ALONG WITH PARENTS

    From: BIG CHANGES, BIG CHOICES Video Series

    -For grades 5-9
    -Video with Printable Teacher’s Guide
    -Featuring Michael Pritchard
    -Free online video streaming included!

    As adolescents begin to take charge of their lives, their relationships with their parents change, often painfully. This show encourages kids to understand their parents’ concerns and motivations and to keep open the lines of communication. It urges them to take a realistic and empathetic view of their parents, and to realize that the freedom and autonomy they desire is best earned by proving to their parents that they are responsible and trustworthy.

  • Big Changes, Big Choices: HANDLING EMOTIONS

    From: BIG CHANGES, BIG CHOICES Video Series

    -For grades 5-9
    -Video with Printable Teacher’s Guide
    -Featuring Michael Pritchard
    -Free online video streaming included!

    This program explores the emotional ups and downs of early adolescence. Viewers will see that kids their age commonly experience mood swings and strong emotions, including conflicting feelings. The program looks at positive, healthful ways of expressing feelings including anger, of coping with unpleasant feelings such as sadness, depression, and loneliness, and it encourages kids to deal with problems before they escalate into crises.


    From: BIG CHANGES, BIG CHOICES Video Series

    -For grades 5-9
    -Video with Printable Teacher’s Guide
    -Featuring Michael Pritchard
    -Free online video streaming included!

    With the escalating climate of conflict and violence in our schools and communities, this program challenges the underlying attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that cause most of the trouble. We look at how conflicts typically develop and how fights can be avoided. Insults and other disrespectful behaviors are discouraged. Kids are urged to find ways of controlling their anger, and to realize that violence is always a choice, a very bad choice.

  • Big Changes, Big Choices: RESPECTING OTHERS

    From: BIG CHANGES, BIG CHOICES Video Series

    -For grades 5-9
    -Video with Printable Teacher’s Guide
    -Featuring Michael Pritchard
    -Free online video streaming included!

    This program emphasizes that everyone is entitled to respect regardless of appearance, race, national origin, disability, social status, etc. It attempts to sensitize kids to the feelings of others, and develop in them a value for treating people respectfully.

  • Big Changes, Big Choices: SAYING NO TO ALCOHOL & OTHER DRUGS

    From: BIG CHANGES, BIG CHOICES Video Series

    -For grades 5-9
    -Video with Printable Teacher’s Guide
    -Featuring Michael Pritchard
    -Free online video streaming included!

    This program presents and reinforces anti-drug attitudes and teaches practical techniques for saying “no” to our friends without appearing to be uncool. In addition to the specific matter of drug use, we examine the issue of peer pressure – both positive and negative – and figure out how to tell the difference. We consider why it’s important to resist negative peer pressure, and what that has to do with taking charge of our lives.
