Lesson Booster: Angry?


-For Grades K-3

Angry? These 4 programs will provide ways for children to identify, talk about, and handle their anger.



Angry? These 4 programs will provide ways for children to identify, talk about, and handle their anger.

  • Angry? Catch Your Anger In this information-packed program children learn safe and appropriate ways to handle anger. Simple strategies such as counting to 10 gives you a chance to cool off.
  • Angry? Just Walk Away Children learn that recognizing their angry feelings is the first step towards handling anger. Students understand that they can be in charge when they’re able to “catch” their angry feelings and walk away from a situation that is making them feel angry inside.
  • Angry? Stop and Think “Stop and Think” is a simple strategy introduced to children. Viewers learn how “stop and think” can help them control their angry feelings.
  • Angry? Relax and Take A Break In this segment, viewers are shown how walking away from a frustrating situation and relaxing can help them feel.
Run time: 13 minutes


Sample Video Clip: