  • Big Changes, Big Choices: DEALING WITH PRESSURES

    From: BIG CHANGES, BIG CHOICES Video Series

    -For grades 5-9
    -Video with Printable Teacher’s Guide
    -Featuring Michael Pritchard
    -Free online video streaming included!

    Entering middle school and becoming a teenager brings a batch of new pressures. Increased school work, higher expectations, greater stakes for academic performance, dating, social acceptance, bigger responsibilities and parental demands, more choices, more freedoms, all contribute to a lot of stress. This program explores positive, healthful ways for young adolescents to cope with it all.

  • CHILDREN OF MILITARY FAMILIES: Military Kids Share Their Stories – Video Series

    -For Grades K-8
    -Video with Extensive Printable Workbook
    -Military Kids Share Their Stories
    -Free online video streaming included!

    In Professor Child’s Children of Military Families series, children teach others what it’s like to have a parent deployed in the military by sharing their personal stories. We hear what deployment means to them, the struggles they have faced, and how they have worked through challenging times. The authentic advice they offer will leave viewers with a sense of hope and an understanding that they are not alone in experiencing the deployment of a loved one. Each volume includes a companion workbook with numerous discussion questions and creative exercises corresponding to the film.

    Original price was: $239.85.Current price is: $215.00.
  • LifeSteps: Taking Charge

    From: LIFESTEPS – Video Series

    -For grades 7-12
    -Featuring Michael Pritchard
    -Includes Printable Teacher’s Guide
    -Free online video streaming included!

    To become independent, teens must incorporate a range of social and emotional skills. This program focuses on the emotional side of responsibility as students explore the key elements of self-control: coping with stress, avoiding impulsive behavior, delaying gratification, and managing anger.

    Original price was: $74.95.Current price is: $69.95.