Elementary School Products

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  • Groark Learns about BULLYING (dvd)

    From: GETTING ALONG WITH GROARK – Video Series

    -For grades K-3
    -Video with Printable Teacher’s Guide
    -In both Spanish and English
    -With the Popcorn Park Puppets
    -Free online video streaming included!

    Groark is playing with his friends when Burna and Muggsy start teasing and picking on Nubbs by stealing his hat. As the situation escalates Groark gets drawn in, and, before he realizes it, Groark is picking on his best friend. When Nubbs calls Groark a bully, Groark doesn’t understand what happened until he learns from a group of real children how he and the others were being bullies, and how hurtful that was to Nubbs. Groark returns to the playground, convinces Burna and Muggsy that they have been cruel and unfair, and together they apologize to Nubbs.

  • Groark Learns About PREJUDICE (dvd)

    From: GETTING ALONG WITH GROARK – Video Series

    -For grades K-3
    -Video with Printable Teacher’s Guide
    -In both Spanish and English
    -With the Popcorn Park Puppets
    -Free online video streaming included!

    Groark and his friends are planning a party. Burna convinces the others not to invite the new kid in school because he is “different.” But when Groark learns that Burna doesn’t even know the new kid, he turns to a group of real elementary school children for a lesson in prejudice. They discuss how people sometimes treat others unfairly because of size, age, gender, race, ethnicity and national origin, and why it’s important not to pre-judge people. Groark takes this lesson in prejudice back to his friends and they decide to invite the new kid.

  • Groark Learns to CONTROL ANGER (dvd)

    From: GETTING ALONG WITH GROARK – Video Series

    -For grades K-3
    -Video with Printable Teacher’s Guide
    -In both Spanish and English
    -With the Popcorn Park Puppets
    -Free online video streaming included!

    Groark becomes so angry at his own mistakes that he accidentally damages his best friend’s model airplane. This leads to a heated exchange, and the two nearly come to blows. When the fight is interrupted by the school bell, Groark turns to a group of real elementary school children for a lesson in controlling anger. He learns how to tell when his anger is getting out of control, how that can lead to fighting, and how to calm his anger. He uses his newfound skill to calm his friend’s anger, and the two make up.

  • Groark Learns to LISTEN (dvd)

    From: GETTING ALONG WITH GROARK – Video Series

    -For grades K-3
    -Video with Printable Teacher’s Guide
    -In both Spanish and English
    -With the Popcorn Park Puppets
    -Free online video streaming included!

    Groark is working on a dance routine for a talent show with two friends. His failure to listen to their ideas and concerns upsets his friends, causes misunderstandings, and eventually results in one of them being injured. When Groark is told to go away, he turns to a group of real children who help him understand how his poor listening habits caused such trouble and how he can become a better listener. Groark asks his friends for a second chance, and his greatly improved listening skills make everybody happy.

  • Groark Learns to WORK OUT CONFLICTS (dvd)

    From: GETTING ALONG WITH GROARK – Video Series

    -For grades K-3
    -Video with Printable Teacher’s Guide
    -In both Spanish and English
    -With the Popcorn Park Puppets
    -Free online video streaming included!

    Groark has a disagreement with his friend over a robot they are building as a school project. Their behavior toward each other quickly leads to a serious rift and the project comes to an unpleasant halt. Frustrated and angry, Groark turns to a group of real children for a lesson in working out conflicts. He learns how to stay calm, talk about the disagreement with the other person, listen to each other’s point of view, and look for a solution that makes them both happy. Equipped with this new approach to problem-solving, Groark and his friend work out their conflict, and the robot is saved.
